KYOTO KŌHĪ a Tour of Coffee in the Cultural Capital
a Tour of Coffee in the Cultural Capital
Spending only 2 days in the city, and with one of those days dedicated to sight-seeing, I didn’t have time to visit let alone chat with every single cafe in Kyoto, but I did peek my head into a handful of suggested top spots.
See the World Through Coffee
Their mantra of sorts, and as you might imagine, one that I can deeply relate to. The design aesthetic and minimalistic approach to coffee was also something that really intrigued me. In speaking briefly with one of the baristas, I learned that the founder, Kenneth Shoji, has been busy opening several new locations across the globe, really putting the above into perspective. I also learned that the “%” itself was in fact their logo symbolizing two coffee cherries on a single branch; Japanese design at its finest.
Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to have any in-depth chats with those administering the %’s but I did take a quick visit to 2 of their Kyoto locations and was very inspired. With a view like that every day, I can imagine the baristas are too.
Again, down a quaint side street, and behind a series of parked scooters, this coffee and sandwich shack hosted an assortment of individuals enjoying their mid-day routine of lounging and chatting amongst themselves. Very relaxing.
I’m disappointed I didn’t find out more about this place, but the barista was super nice, and the coffee was next level, also roasted locally by Cafe Time.
Kyoto definitely has a place on the coffee map. Skating through the grid of side streets really opened my imagination to the mysteries left uncovered in this amazing city, and it’s one I would be more than happy to revisit.
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